Over the past few years much has been done to help Dental Professionals become more aware of Safeguarding and Child Protection. Despite the vast amount of information that is available, there are still areas where professionals need to have a clear guide as to how they should deal with safeguarding issues. In this presentation, recognising signs and symptoms of abuse and the actions that need to be taken are made clear through a range of scenarios which could occur in any practice. The scenarios are designed to highlight signs and symptoms of abuse in the majority of the most common categories as well as situations involving vulnerable adults where there would be a need to apply the 5 principles of the mental capacity act and carry out mental capacity assessments. By the end of the presentation dental professionals will have a clear understanding of the definition of abuse, be reminded of the basic principles underpinning safeguarding and child protection and most important of all become better prepared to protect children and Vulnerable Adults.
Learning objectives
On completion of this video you should:-
- Know how to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
- Know how to respond to an adult or child that informs us they have been abused
- Know how to report abuse
- Know how to apply the 5 principles of The Mental Capacity Act
- Understand Mental Capacity Assessment
- Make best interest decisions
This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcomes:
- A – Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk
- C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice
- D – Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first
Kevin Morgan
Kevin Morgan is a professional CPD instructor covering areas such as safeguarding vulnerable adults, child protection and the Mental Capacity Act. He delivers training programs from level 1 up to level 3 in safeguarding vulnerable adults and child protection and has delivered in-house training to over 300 dental practices in and around the UK. Kevin has been delivering regulated and bespoke CPD programs to the dental sector for over 8 years in many topics and holds teaching and instructor qualifications in all the subjects he delivers.