Estates: Tax Planning with Gains and Losses Post-Death and Maximising RNRB

£25 plus VAT

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Date: Monday 28th November 2022
Speaker(s): John Bunker
CPD Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour
Online content includes 120 days access from the date of purchase.
All purchases are for a single user only.

This talk will take you through a case study of an estate with two key elements:

Gains and losses on shares and 2 properties since death, maximising the tax saving:

  • using appropriations (which can be underused) as a planning tool;
  • how to make the most of IHT loss relief and lower rates of CGT for some beneficiaries;
  • and thus the mix of IHT and CGT within the estate on changing values.

Potential to vary the terms of the will for RNRB planning to save IHT:

  • Where some descendants don’t inherit through the right form of trust; and
  • Where the residuary estate has a mixture of beneficiaries who closely inherit and those that don’t.

John Bunker, Solicitor, Chartered Tax Adviser and Lecturer

£25.00 + VAT

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