Gifts for Grandchildren in Wills

£30 plus VAT

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Speaker(s): Gill Steel
CPD Time: 1.5 hours
Duration: 1 hour
Online content includes 120 days access from the date of purchase.
All purchases are for a single user only.


To explore the options for gifts to grandchildren and examine their differences

Learning objectives

Participants will be able to suggest appropriate alternatives to meet their clients’ objectives and explain the IHT effect of clauses used


GILL STEEL Gill is a compelling seminar and conference speaker both in house and at public events with a strong gift for making Wills, Probate, Trusts and Tax practical, engaging, authoritative and informative. She is the Author of the 3rd Edition of Trust Practitioner’s Handbook, Consultant editor Tolley’s IHT & Trusts & Estates online service. Gill is also a solicitor, has an MBA in Legal Practice Management and runs an active website for Private Client Practitioners.

£30.00 + VAT

Booking Form

£30 plus VAT

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