Pitfalls of Joint Ownership and Sharing Property

£25 plus VAT

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Date: Tuesday 13th June 2023
Speaker(s): Caroline Bielanska
CPD Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour
Online content includes 120 days access from the date of purchase.
All purchases are for a single user only.

Intergenerational property arrangements are increasing, with many older people selling their home and moving in with their children. Releasing funds may allow them to clear off the children’s mortgage or pay for adaptations to enable them to receive care.  But what happens if things don’t work out? Do they have an interest in the property and how will the local authority treat this if they need to pay for care? This session will cover:

  • Gift or a loan?
  • Declarations of trust
  • Establishing a resulting trusts v constructive trust
  • Court Remedies
  • Local authorities approach to contribution cases

Caroline Bielanska, Solicitor, TEP, Independent Consultant, Mediator, Author and Trainer

£25.00 + VAT

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