Speaker(s): Cate Searle
CPD Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 1 Hour
According to the last Census, at least 5.8 million people in the UK are providing unpaid care for an ill, older or disabled family member or friend. Other recent data suggests that in England and Wales, this unpaid care saves the governments approximately £162 bn per year. The Carers’ UK State of Caring Report (October 2024) set out the dire consequences of the unpaid carer role on the carer’s finances and wellbeing
Cate Searle’s update will focus upon the advice that we can we give to make a difference to our clients who have an unpaid carer role for their parents; their disabled children; or for other relatives or close friends.
Cate Searle, Director and Head of Community Care Law – Martin Searle Solicitors
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