Dilapidations – A Practical Approach


Terminal dilapidations claims can be time consuming, expensive and frustrating. Against the background of the dilapidations protocol and the need to consider mediation at all stages, this on-line video approaches such claims from a practical standpoint:

  • Allocating resources & deciding strategy – the importance of ascertaining the rough size of the claim
  • Understanding the impact of the needs of current lettings market on the claim against the tenant
  • Old buildings – what the landlord can expect in terms of the standard tenant’s repairing obligation
  • Air-conditioning, heating & electrical systems – is replacement sensible, and must the tenant pay?

Learning Objectives

On completion of this video you should have:

  • Increased awareness of the importance of early valuation of the claim in terms of resource allocation and the method of dispute resolution
  • An understanding of the distinction between repair and replacement, and when the costs of replacement and upgrading will be recoverable and when not
  • An appreciation of the impact of age and the demands of the market on a terminal dilapidations claim
  • An understanding of the need for qualitative stringency of evidence and the duties of experts



Sarah Thompson-Copsey is a former property litigation partner at the City law firm now known as Dentons, handling all types of commercial property problems, but with an emphasis on avoiding & resolving commercial landlord and tenant disputes. Sarah now works as a freelance lecturer, trainer and author and lectures & writes regularly on commercial property topics, as well as providing independent auditing and consulting services for law firms.

Sarah is co-author of Tenants’ Pre-emption Rights: A landlord’s guide to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 (Jordans) and Mixed Use and Residential Tenants’ Rights: The Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and Leasehold Enfranchisement, (Elsevier 2009). She is also on the property consultation board of Practical Law Company and a site editor for the Property Law website at www.propertylawuk.net.

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