Impact of New Guidance and Key Pathogens in Driving Change in Infection Control and Decontamination


This lecture looks at how key pathogens such as legionella and vCJD have shaped modern infection prevention and control in dental practice. Preventing their spread has driven the introduction of recent guidelines including  HTM 01-05 and the Health and Social Care Act, Code of Practice on the prevention & control of infections,which is used as a performance benchmark for infection prevention and control by the CQC inspectors and for registration compliance. Caroline Pankhurst discusses practical guidance for limiting the transmission of these and similar pathogens in your practice so that you will be able to stay safe and compliant over the coming years.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the lecture participants should have an understanding of:

  • Current key legislation in infection prevention & control
  • Why instrument cleaning is the critical stage in the decontamination cycle for removing and destroying vCJD / CJD
  • Controlling MRSA and other microbes transmitted by direct contact with the use of hand hygiene
  • Blood borne viruses and the latest guidelines on sharps management
  • Limiting the spread of respiratory pathogens such as TB with the aid of  occupational vaccines and respirator masks
  • Legionella and risk management of dental unit waterlines


Dr Caroline Pankhurst BSc PhD BDS MSC MRCPath (Specialist in Oral Microbiology)

Dr Caroline Pankhurst is a dentist and a Specialist in Oral Microbiology and has published extensively in the fields of oral microbiology, dental unit waterlines and oral medicine including two books on infection control entitled “Control of Infection Guidelines for General Dental Practice” now in its fourth edition and co-authored “Basic Guide to Prevention and Infection Control in Dentistry”. She is actively involved in postgraduate dental education and training. Caroline has been a member of the Editorial Boards of “Primary Dental Care” and BMC Oral Health; is a member of the SAC in Medical Microbiology (Royal College of Pathologists), the BDA Central Committee for Dental Academic Staff and a Director of the charity the Fungal Infection Trust.  She was President of BDA Metropolitan Branch in 2006.

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