Virtual Conference: Core Recommended CPD Update 2022

£99 plus VAT

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Date: Wednesday 22nd June 2022
Time: 09.00-17.30
Speaker(s): Simon Harvey, Dr Caroline Pankhurst, Professor Michael A. O. Lewis, Shaam Shamsi, Pat Langley, Katie Baker & Tracy Colmer
CPD Time: 7 Hours
Online content includes 120 days access from the date of purchase.
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Simon Harvey, MA (Law), DDMFR RCR

Dr Caroline Pankhurst BSc PhD BDS MSC MRCPath (Specialist in Oral Microbiology)

Professor Michael A. O. Lewis PhD, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS (Eng), FRCPath, FFGDP(UK), FHEA, Emeritus Professor, Cardiff University

Shaam Shamsi BDS (Lond), LDS RCS (Eng), MFGDP RCS, PGCTLCP, FGDP Pg Cert Appr, Pg Cert BAIRD, Pg Dip Med Eths & Law

Pat Langley BDS

Katie Baker Advanced Life Support & European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Director, APLS, GIC Instructor

Tracy Colmer Advanced Life Support & Generic Instructor Course Director (Resuscitation Council UK & Advanced Life Support Group)




This interactive lecture will present the current thinking about X-ray practice in dentistry, keeping the good areas from the last and suggesting new ideas from the modern technology. Integration of technology into your clinical practice is key and the lecture is relevant to all areas of dentistry, from generalist to specialist level. The latter part of the lecture will look at pearls and pitfalls from different imaging methods followed by an interactive spotter to test your skills.

  • Discover the doses from all types of modern X-ray images
  • Integrate new imaging methods into your clinical practice, regardless of skill or experience
  • Learning from mistakes – a look at some of my mistakes and others from the archives; and learn why they happened and how to improve

Learning objectives

  • Delegates will be able to confidently explain X-ray risk to patients
  • Delegates will be able to understand how to read CBCT reports
  • Delegates can test and optimise their reporting skills with a spotter

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcomes:

C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

D – Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

Simon Harvey, MA (Law), DDMFR RCR


Simon Harvey is a Consultant in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology at The Eastman Dental Hospital, London and Queen Victoria Hospital, Sussex. His subspecialty clinical interests are dentoalveolar cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and salivary gland interventional radiology. A passionate educator, Simon lectures regularly to dental professionals and designed and runs the British Dental Association CBCT reporting Masterclass. He is published in several peer reviewed journals and has co-authored a bestselling textbook on CBCT use in Endodontics, translated into 4 languages. He is an examiner at The Royal College of Surgeons and sits on the committee of the education charity ‘Teeth Relief’. He has an interest in dentolegal disputes and holds a Masters degree in Medical Law and Ethics from the King’s College London School of Law. He sits on The DDU Dental Advisory Committee.


This talk will provide delegates with an up-to-date review of the latest information about the impact of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, other respiratory diseases as well as blood borne virus infections on general dental practice. As we learn more about these infections we have to remain flexible and able to respond to the evolving changes to infection control and decontamination national standard operating procedures and practice based protocols. The talk will reflect on the current scientific evidence in relation to ventilation, PPE, environmental cleaning, occupational health measures and discuss how practices can manage the risk to their patients and the team.

Learning objectives

By the end of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Understand their role in managing the current risk of COVID 19 in a dental practice
  • Explain to their team members what changes are necessary to their infection control and decontamination SOP in the light of the latest evidence
  • Review the changes in the guidance on managing Healthcare workers with BBV and other occupational health measures.
  • Appreciate the improvements that can be made in surgery ventilation and implementing HTM03-01
  • Explain the importance of robust Antimicrobial stewardship and the current best prescribing guidance

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcome:

C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

Dr Caroline Pankhurst BSc PhD BDS MSC MRCPath (Specialist in Oral Microbiology)


Dr Caroline Pankhurst BSc PhD BDS MSC MRCPath (Specialist in Oral Microbiology) Caroline Pankhurst has published extensively on oral microbiology including two books on infection control most recently “Basic Guide to Prevention and Infection Control in Dentistry, 2nd edition”. She was formerly a Senior Lecture in Oral Microbiology at KCL Dental Institute and is now actively involved in postgraduate dental education and was a finalist in the e- Learning Awards 2012. She served on the SAC in Medical Microbiology, Royal College of Pathologists, Editorial Boards of “Primary Dental Care” & BMC Oral Health and a past President of the BDA Metropolitan Branch. She is a Trustee of the Fungal Infection Trust and the Affordable Health Initiative.


The impact of a restricted access to primary care services during the Covid-19 pandemic is manifesting in 2022 in the form of mouth cancers that are relatively large with a high incidence of neck metastases. Both these factors will result in the need for more extensive forms of treatment and poorer outcomes for patients. The number of Urgent Suspected Cancer (USC) referrals to secondary care has fortunately now returned to pre-pandemic levels but conversion rates are still low due to inappropriate use of the system. This presentation will include an interactive clinical component to help dental healthcare workers with the most effective use of the USC system for patients found to have a mucosal or soft tissue orofacial abnormality. The Delivering Better Oral Health guidance for the UK, which was updated in November 2021, will be reviewed and the changes in the sections related to mouth cancer, in particular risk factors and prevention post-treatment, presented.

Learning objectives:

Following the presentation delegates will:

  • Understand the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on mouth cancer
  • Have an increased appreciation of the difference between cancer / potentially malignant conditions and benign mucosal disorders
  • Be able to use of the USC referral system effectively
  • Be aware of the cancer related information in the updated Delivering Better Oral Health guidance

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcome:

C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

Professor Michael A. O. Lewis PhD, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS (Eng), FRCPath, FFGDP(UK), FHEA, Emeritus Professor, Cardiff University


Mike Lewis served as the Professor of Oral Medicine at Cardiff University from 2000-2020.  He was also Dean of the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University, Dean of the Dental Faculty of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow and Director of the Clinical Board for Dentistry, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board. Professor Lewis has published over 200 scientific articles and co-authored six medical textbooks. He has delivered more than 600 postgraduate lectures worldwide. In addition, Mike has been President of the British Society for Oral Medicine, President of the British Society for Oral & Dental Research, Dental Representative on the Advisory Council for Misuse of Drugs (Home Office) and Dental Representative on the Scientific Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (Department of Health).  Professor Lewis is presently a registrant member of the General Dental Council.


This presentation will review the potential dento-legal challenges faced by dentists in the post-Covid world including the clinical and business impact and what effect this is likely to have from a dento-legal perspective. This will include an overview of complaints, claims, consent, ethical considerations, record keeping and patient communications and what lessons can be learned from the pandemic. The presentation will conclude with some thoughts on risk management in the present climate and in particular reflect on the latest issues experienced by colleagues facing Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable duty.

Learning objectives:

Delegates will:

  • Have an understanding of the Post-Covid dento-legal landscape
  • Be able to apply the principles of risk management in everyday practice
  • Understand the risks for practices associated with Vicarious liability and non-delegable duty
  • Appreciate how good communication minimises complaints

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcomes:

A – Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk

B – Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate

D – Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

Shaam Shamsi BDS (Lond), LDS RCS (Eng), MFGDP RCS, PGCTLCP, FGDP Pg Cert Appr, Pg Cert BAIRD, Pg Dip Med Eths & Law


Shaam Shamsi qualified from the Royal London in 1994 and is the Clinical Director for Horizons Dental Centre in Staffordshire. He has an interest in cosmetic and Implant dentistry. As a former lecturer in the restorative department at Manchester Dental School teaching final year students, he continues to instill this ethos of learning with his students and course delegates.

Shaam has been involved with Dental Foundation Training since 2001, teaching and mentoring new graduates in practice. In 2008, he was appointed to the post of Training Programme Director in Midlands & East and is responsible for running the training schemes at Stafford County Hospital & Royal Stoke hospital.

His other roles include Specialist Advisor for the CQC, LDC Board member for North & South Staffordshire and senior examiner for Overseas Registration examination in London, Royal College of Surgeon’s LDS examination and the MFDS in Edinburgh.

In 2006, he acquired a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Ethics and Law and has worked as a Clinical panelist for the GDC’s Dental Complaints Service. In December 2020, Shaam completed his 10 year appointment sitting as a panelist for the GDC’s Fitness to Practice procedures adjudicating matters on clinical and professional misconduct. In 2021, he recently set up with a colleague the first ever PG Cert in Dental Risk Mitigation to help mentor colleagues in the profession facing Fitness to practice allegations.

Shaam lectures nationally and internationally on Medico-Legal matters and in the last 8 years, he has been well known for his lecture on ‘Raising Medico-Legal Awareness in Implant Dentistry’ for many established organisations.

He was recently appointed on the Council for Medical Protection Society Advisory Board and presents the Risks Management workshops for Dental Protection Society. He also sits on Committee for Barts and the London Alumni.

Outside dentistry he is blessed with a wife and 3 children but also enjoys sport, photography, and is a keen traveler to different countries.


Everyone will be aware of the high-profile cases of abuse and neglect that generate huge amounts of media coverage, but sadly this is the just the tip of the iceberg. Dental professionals are often in a unique position to spot signs of physical abuse that might otherwise be missed by others. The amount of abuse and neglect has reached new heights since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is likely the effects will be felt for years to come. This makes it more important than ever to look out for potential physical and behavioural signs that could indicate a child or adult may be at risk. This lecture will aim to help dental professionals recognise the signs of abuse and neglect and how best to respond. We will also look at safe recruitment practices and what the regulators require.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand what the regulators require
  • Understand the importance of multi-agency working and information sharing
  • Understand the different types of abuse, their incidence and how to recognise the signs
  • Understand the importance of the four Rs
  • Understand safer recruitment
  • Understand the enhanced significance of safeguarding resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcomes:

A – Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk

D – Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

Pat Langley BDS


After qualifying from Manchester University Pat took up a resident oral surgery post prior to joining a general dental practice in Manchester as an Associate. She went on to combine her role in practice with teaching oral surgery at the Dental School. In 1982 Pat became a partner in a general practice in Surrey and continued teaching oral surgery at Guy’s Hospital. In 1986 she started up a new practice in Berkshire.

Pat was a founder member of the Denplan team and held the post of Deputy Chief Dental Officer from 1987 to 2003. Her role at Denplan included the development and implementation of Denplan’s much respected quality assurance and clinical governance programmes and she was instrumental in developing Denplan’s Excel Accreditation Programme.

In 2003 Pat was appointed Group Clinical Director at Oasis Dental Care, a post she held for 7 years.

In 2010 Pat co-founded Apolline with the aim of providing a complete dental compliance solution to dental practices and dental groups of all sizes, offering innovative software, in-practice support and online and in-practice training. She has lectured widely on all compliance based subjects, including on safeguarding. Pat combines her role as CEO of Apolline with being Chief Dental Officer at Dentex Healthcare.


Conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes and allergies are not uncommon. Acknowledging them with your patient, good documentation and clear communication can keep your patients safer and will prevent many medical emergencies developing. This presentation will cover helpful record keeping, communication with patients and the value of teamwork between clinical and non-clinical staff, the emergency equipment you should be keeping and how to keep it ready for use. Not everything can be prevented! We will also cover delivering excellent first aid for potential medical emergencies in dental practice.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the presentation delegates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the following subject areas:

  • Adult, child & infant CPR and choking, covering Covid 19
  • Automated External defibrillation
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Recognition and first aid of seizures, acute asthma, hypoglycaemia, chest pain & breathlessness and stroke.
  • Recognising sepsis
  • Fainting and the recovery position
  • Safe delivery of Oxygen
  • Recommended equipment for dental practice
  • Useful documentation, handovers, referrals and debriefing
  • What’s new in Resuscitation

This talk satisfies the GDC’s learning outcomes:

A – Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry, including when obtaining consent, dealing with complaints, and raising concerns when patients are at risk

B – Effective management of self, and effective management of others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times; providing constructive leadership where appropriate

C – Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice

D – Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients’ interests first

Katie Baker Advanced Life Support & European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Director, APLS, GIC Instructor

Tracy Colmer Advanced Life Support & Generic Instructor Course Director (Resuscitation Council UK & Advanced Life Support Group)


Katie is a senior NHS Resuscitation Officer at University Hospital Southampton. Previously an Emergency Department Sister, she now has 28 years in Critical Care attending in hospital medical emergencies as part of the in-hospital ‘Crash team’ which sees 50-60 emergencies and 10-15 cardiac arrests a month. Katie has an interest in baby & child resuscitation out of hospital and runs resuscitation updates & drills for Dental & Medical practices. She enjoys teaching and has taught around the UK and abroad. She is a registered Instructor and Course Director in Advanced Life Support with the Resuscitation Council ( and a registered Advanced Paediatric Life Support Instructor (

Tracy Colmer is an  NHS Resuscitation Officer at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. She is a Registered Instructor & Director in Advanced Life Support and runs the Generic Instructor Course. Tracey has over 30 years experience in the Acute Cardiac Unit and Resuscitation Services attending in hospital medical emergencies as part of the ‘Crash team’.


£99.00 + VAT

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