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Date: Tuesday 19th October 2021
Speaker(s): Ian Anderson
CPD Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 hour
Online content includes 120 days access from the date of purchase.
All purchases are for a single user only.

The Queen’s Speech in May 2021 announced a radical overall of the planning system which will be brought forward over the next 12-18 months.

At the heart of these far-reaching proposals will be a revolution in plan making, greater community involvement and the digitisation of the planning system, alongside additional new Permitted Development Regulations and further changes to the Use Classes Order. We are also likely to see greater ‘top down’ influence in targets for housing, a greater focus on the delivery of bio-diversity and potentially new ways of calculating Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 contributions.

This streamlining of the planning system is intended to deliver faster and more certain decisions, but will it? This session will explain:

  • A Summary of the Changes expected through in the proposed reforms
  • The potential implications of a new ‘zonal-led’ planning system
  • The further permitted development and prior approval regime expected
  • Further predicted changes to the Use Classes Order

Ian Anderson, Senior Director, Lichfields

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